Pueblo Municipal Shooters, Inc. ⋄ P.O. Box 427, Pueblo, CO 81003 ⋄ http://puebloshooters.org

About Us
Who We Are Bylaws Board Minutes Committees SOPs

Who We Are

Pueblo Municipal Shooters, Inc. is an all volunteer non-profit organization administered by a nine member Board of Directors. The Board dedicates their time and efforts to the promotion of the shooting sports in a safe, well-educated, and fun manner.

Pueblo Municipal Shooters, Inc. is the only indoor gun range in the Pueblo area. We are located next to the zoo at City Park. See the
location page for our location and how to get to the range.

The range offers 10 lanes. Each 50 foot lane is equipped with electronic target returns. Simply press one button to send the target downrange stopping at any distance up to the 50 full length. Four distances down range are marked by indicators on the target rail and a spotlight illuminating the area the target should stop. Due to the relative short distance to the backstop and in order to prevent richocet and facility damage, the approved firearms and ammunition is restricted. Please see the range rules for the list of acceptable list of firearms and ammunition.

Members are issued access cards that permit use of the range at the time that is most convenient for them. Shift workers, law enforcement personel, or members who prefer off-hours access all benefit from membership. See the membership page for more details.

The range also offers public access. Please see the public nights page for more details.


Board of Directors

President Terry Curtis 719-406-8627
Vice President Russell Roop 719-252-2356
Secretary Christian Nordstrom 719-214-7481
Treasurer Peggy Walker 719-404-3865
At Large Lexi Swearingen 202-203-9629
At Large Bill Morris 303-947-8819
At Large Cass Brock 719-334-0344
At Large Lisa Shomaker 719-248-2868
At Large Nick Mangini 303-601-6635

Board Meeting Minutes


Standard Operating Procedures / Guidelines