Pueblo Municipal Shooters, Inc. ⋄ P.O. Box 427, Pueblo, CO 81003 ⋄ http://puebloshooters.org

Range Rules

Range Safety Video

I have viewed the safety video and have read the range rules. I agree to abide by the rules and risk suspension if I or my guests violate the rules.
What color are the bulletpoint squares when the 3 Firearm Safety Rules are shown?
It looks like you may have skipped parts of the video! Please watch the entire video to get credit.
Members: Watching the video is not required by our current insurance. It does contain a useful orientation and general firearms safety rules.

Standard Operating Procedures

Click HERE to visit the list of Standard Operating Procedures. The Firing Range SOP contains the list of rules related to firearms and ammunition and conduct within the range.

Summary of General Rules