Pueblo Municipal Shooters, Inc. ⋄ P.O. Box 427, Pueblo, CO 81003 ⋄ http://puebloshooters.org

2024 Renewal Payment Using Cheddar

Payment Web Site

We are using Cheddar to collect credit/debit card payments. Cheddar allows the club to incur no costs for processing the credit/debit cards. Instead, the costs are paid by the member as a convenience fee. The fee is 3.5% plus $0.45 added to whatever options are selected.

If you do not wish to pay the fees, you may send us a check/money order just as it has been done in the past. Just return the check with the signed renewal form.

If you do wish to charge your membership dues, continue to the link below and when sending in your renewal form, be sure to check the 'Paying Online' check box at the end of the yellow line.

You must send in your renewal form even if you pay online!

Go to Cheddar Payments for PMS Renewal HERE.

Basic instructions follow:


Enter the access code 'PMS2024' as shown in the image below.

Select Renewal Level

Add either the Individual/Family or Senior rate as appropriate by selecting the 'Add to Cart' button to the right of the option. If your renewal shows a smaller balance than $100 or $90, use the `Other` option at the bottom of the list and enter the number shown on the renewal.

You will see the upper right side of your screen that the shopping cart appears with your selection.

Optional NRA Membership

NRA membership is no longer required to be a member at PMS, however if you wish to continue your NRA support, you may renew using our discounted rate. Select the level you marked on the renewal form by selecting the 'Add to Cart' button to the right of the correct option.

Select No Magazine if selected the 1 Yr Associate Renewal, otherwise, select a magazine.

You will see the upper right side of your screen that the shopping cart updated with your selections.

Identify Yourself

Once your selections are shown in the shopping card, Click on the 'Continue'.

On this form you must provide your first name, last name, email and phone number so we can match the payment to your paper form you return to us.

Once the form is completed click the 'Done' button.
Then select the 'Continue to Checkout'

Enter Account/Guest Information

One the payment form, once again enter your name, phone and email for the Cheddar service receipt. If you have an established account that is shows you, you may use that, otherwise, continue as a Guest by entering your first name, last name, phone number and email address. Clear the 'Create an account?' checkbox if you do not with Cheddar to save your information.

Click on 'Continue to Payment', then 'Continue' on the Guest confirmation.

Enter your name shown on the credit/debit card, the number, expiration date, security code and the billing zip code. Clear the check box for 'Save your info...' if you don't want Cheddar to save your card information. Also clear the check box for 'I'd like to learn more about free payments+forms' above the 'Pay Now' button.
As noted, there is a fee for using your credit card, 3.5% of the amount plus $0.45. The amount is listed in the 'Fees' area as shown in the image below.
If you do not wish to pay the fees, you may close that browser window and send us a check instead.

When competed, click the 'Pay Now' button and the payment will be processed, send you and us an email and we will be able to update your renewal records.

You must send in your renewal form even if you pay online!